A picture is worth a thousand words.
Pictures are memories. Pictures are history. It's not just chemicals and paper and light and mirrors or pixels on a desktop. It's so much more than that! You are capturing a moment in time that can never be revisted again except by you're memories and let's face it. Humans minds are not capable of remembering things. We forget all the time.
As an animator though one second of animation is 24 frames long. 24 pictures. If you take just one of those frames out, just one, it can mess up everything. For one frame your eye isn't seeing something, possibly a key pose, and it just skips. It takes you out of the moment. It takes you away from the film, the story that's being told because you can no longer focus on the beauty of the sequence of images but on the one little glitch that your eye caught and now your trying to catch up!
Just a picture....... A simple "No" would be better next time thanks....